
Showing posts from August, 2020

An Article written by Aruna Bose – Racial Equality

Racial Equality Now days we are facing many problems like pandemic, global warming, pollution and racism. We  are the children of the Supreme power ,He is the creator. When he never discriminated between black or white, between men,women,strong or weak,rich or poor then why we do so? We all have same red colour of blood running in our veins,same body stucture with two hands, legs, eyes, ears and one heart then why discrimination? We all have same emotions of love and pain,we laugh when happy and cry in pain. We need to unite, we need to join hands,we need to bring love, peace and harmony with empathy and equality. We can  heal the world for our children. Let's spread peace and stop war,let's shower love on hatred. When God never divided nature and equally distributed sunshine, rain, spring, autumn, life, death then we must not judge anyone who differ in colour, race, gender. United we stand and divided we fall. Change and heal the world with love, peace and equality. © Aruna B...

Dr. Sonia Gupta – Article written on RACIAL EQUALITY

RACIAL EQUALITY O’ we all are the children of one Lord who created this single world with his own hands. Myriad of diversity like vivid colors, languages, races, customs, religions and culture exist here, yet one world. Alas! Why human has sown the seeds of discrimination of racial inequality and partiality? O’ what is black? What is white? All colors get mingled into each other forming one color that is white. Then why there is so much hatred? So much envy and injustice for blacks? O’ we all are one, like the different petals forming a single flower, like variable colors entwined to form a rainbow, tiny raindrops unite to bring monsoon, as if separate pages bind together to make a book. As if tiny alphabets get united to form a language, seven surs played together compose a song. Under the same sky we all are born, on the same mother earth we all roll on. We are blessed by so many blessings of same nature. Same gardner, that is Lord nourishes us with his shower of love and care. We ha...

John King Ayanfe – Article written on RACIAL EQUALITY

Racial Equality The world has been the natural home for humans. Though, tribes, languages, colour, growth, culture, tradition and religion differ. Every race has its way of life. But it is humanly for folks to coexist irrespective of the race they belong. Discrimination will only deface the beauty of himanity. Thoughts, beliefs and acts which stirs discrimination are inhuman. We ought to understand the fact that every human in equal to the other. An individual's race doesn't really determine his or her quality as a human. We all need each other for the progress of the humanity. Every race makes an impact on the world. No race is inferior to the other. There is no race that has not produced individuals who contributed their quotas for the betterment of humanity. It is wrong/childish/irrelevant to write off or ill-treat the folks from a particular race. We are all created by one God, we share one sun in a world and we are all called the children of God. © John King Ayanfe Nigeria...

Rose George – written article on Racial Equality

Racial Equality Racial equality means giving equal opportunities to people belonging to all races in spite of the differences in skin, colour, nationality. We should give equal opportunities to all people for jobs, education and politics.  Why should we make differences based on the colour of the skin? Whiteness should never be considered supreme and blacks inferior. The discrimination between the blacks and the whites cannot be tolerated. We all belong to one family and so it is wrong to discriminate and proper action should be taken to stop this in society.  Racial equality should be made a law so that everyone is equally treated. We must combat all the racist doctrines. We should promote a good understanding between the races. With harmony we must build an international community which is free from racial segregation. We must execute global human rights and protect all from racial oppression.  We must always learn to accept these differences. We should show uncondition...

Ate Mamu – Article written on RACIAL EQUALITY

Stereotyping crosses the line of races. In this world today, many people are basically looking at the outer image and not by the characteristics and  deeds.  Why do we always define black people as black? And whitr people as white? Why do we always have the diversities among colors of human?  Racial equalities is giving the same and equal oppurtunities to different people of all races. Not looking about the colors and religions, not based on their physical attributes.  There are many instances especially in some part of America where black people were not given equal rights and some leads to jail and death. Racial equality is already a law giving equal treatment, oppurtunities, education, employment and more, still there are people who cant't accept the people when they're not the same color.  "To live anywhere in the world today and be against equality because of race or color is like living in Alaska ang being against snow." That was quote from William Faulkne...

Racial Equality – An article written by Omar Nasser

RACIAL EQUALITY Historically, this is one issue that  occupies most minds, and is the  dream of every consciencious human being wishing for makind's  survival and continuum on Mother  Earth. Most constitutions echo its  importance to national cohesion,  unity and uniform progress of nations stressing the Bill of Rights, the protection of Human Rights, the rights of minority groups, children, women and the disabled. The United Nations articulates, elaborates and stresses Racial Equality everywhere,  to solidify and assure social, economic, pulitical and cultural justice across the globe.  That wherever human beings  live, all must enjoy equal rights under the  law with  access to shelter, food, clean water, education, health, the sanctity of life, the right to property, security and personal safety without regard to colour, religion, creeds,  race, ethics and other biases. For ages the world has learned bitter  lessons from...

Racial Equality – article written by Dijana Stevanovic Uherek

Racial Equality I have been thinking for a long time whether to write on this topic, because to be honest, the word race is too harsh for me, but with the word equality, it becomes acceptable to me. We all came to this world born of a mother, and I, in addition to my biological mother, feel the planet Earth as a second mother and on this occasion I do not enter theology and whether we came from God, more Gods, atoms or maybe we flew from space a long time ago. and here we began to build a life, because it is the right of each of us to decide how and in what we will believe. History is one thing, biology another, theology a third, but the most important thing is to know that we are here and that such born people should survive and leave descendants, but also examples of good practice through human deeds. As time matures, time changes us, or more precisely what Nikola Tesla said: "Time does not exist", and therefore, wouldn't it be more valuable if we were here to create an...

Racial Equality – Written by revered Rakesh Chandra

Famous French philosopher, Rousseau has said that man is born free, but is always in chains throughout his life. This is, undoubtedly, the best summation of existing position of human beings on earth. As soon he takes birth, tagging starts instantly in the name of class, caste, religion etc. This is true of all societies belonging to all the countries in this world of ours. If the birth of a child is godly affair, his nomenclature and further baptization takes place under the laws made by the humans themselves. A million dollar question is whether humanity can survive irrespective of such qualifications or not? Only the sociologists can answer this ticklish question.     Probably the worst such qualification is racial inequality which is prevalent in the different forms world over. The most significant form is the racial discrimination on the basis of colour. The unbreakable wall of black and white or the brown and white seems to be causing serious concerns in recent times whi...

Article written by Ljiljana Dobra – Racial Equality

Racial Equality No one chooses the place of birth, the color of the eyes, the skin, the hair. Everything on earth is in color, even people. If we love colorful flowers or birds, why not love the diversity of people? I was lucky to be born into a family where not much was commented on the racial, religious and national affiliation of the people. There was no prayer temple in my village because it was destroyed in the war. But my grandmother told me wise stories when I was a child. They stayed in my memory, and when I grew up, I understood the most important message: "Love and respect all people regardless of appearance, because you don't know who he is. Maybe God will speak to you in the form of a poor beggar”?! As a member of a national minority, I moved from Serbia to another republic because of marriage. Our countries were at war. My husband is of another religion and nation. But we agree and respect each other. I received the international title of Ambassador of Peace from ...

An article written by Adepoju Adeola – Racial Equality

RACIAL EQUALITY The world has degenerated to the state of anarchy which has posed danger and bestowed calamities on the entire human race.  Over the years, human race have encountered several challenges ranging from religious war, insurgency, terrorist attacks, xenophobic attacks and racial inequality is not left out.   Racial inequality or simply termed racism is the discrimination and unfair feelings of dislike for a person or group because of the race, ethnic, country or tribe they belong to.  Racial inequality is not peculiar to a particular race or country, it has become a general phenomenon.  Racial equality on the other hands occurs when institutions give equal opportunities to the people of all races regardless of nationality and or physical traits like skin color.  Racial equality needs to be solicited for and embraced for the purpose of making the World a peaceful abode for all and equally shape it into right direction.  The world has witness...

Racial Equality written by Maid Corbic

Racial Equality In today's world, which is surrounded by all the troubles and the inability to fight for equal rights, there are often various disagreements. This situation that accompanies us day by day is something that many should have fun with. Of course, it is given some meaning that It lasts for a short time, at least in my opinion. We are all created by God and we are equal in all fields. Skin color should not determine the way we will have with people and some of the actions we build with them.  I have many friends who have been abandoned because of other religions, even skin color as racism present in many parts of the Earth.Sometimes I think that life is not fair and that some things happen because it is imposed on them thinking it is right to humiliate other people. A lot is being done today on projects related to this field, but I have a feeling that it does not belong anywhere in this world. As if they have been forgotten by apartheid that was recently in force. An exa...

An Article written by Kolongs Victor – Racial Equality

For a better insight into the above caption, we need to pay a visit to the keyword which is racism, so as to have a better grasp of the concept under review. Racism is a social segregation, stigmatization and hatred based on one's lineage and descent. It's a negative division that plagues global community which tears humanity aparts. Examples are anti-Semitism which is a racism against the Jews, Apartheid which is racism against blacks in South Africa, and racism against blacks in America. Racism in action has enormous consequences, and has so far impacted negatively on global integration and the advantages that accrue from it there of, hence a social crusade against it. This results in anti-racism campaign which discourages racism and emphasizes racial equality and tolerance. However, this discourse majorly seeks to chart a course aim at enthroning racial equality and tolerance among Chequered global societies. DENUNCIATION OF RACISM Racism is evil, and all people of good cons...

Racial Equality - Article written by Ivan Gacina

RACIAL EQUALITY Racial equality occurs when institutions give equal opportunities to people of all races, when they provide legal, moral and political equality to individuals regardless of skin color, religion, etc. Achieving racial equality is difficult for people from Africa, and some Asian and South American countries. However, the countries of the world are making more and more efforts to ensure that every individual has equal opportunities for education and employment, regardless of race. USA is making a lot of effort into achieving racial equality, and it is recommended that groups work directly with community members to solve problems in their communities. Equality is also one of the EU's core values, and EU rules on non-discrimination are among the most comprehensive in the world. The first directives on gender equality were agreed in the 1970s. The Treaty of Rome of 1957 required men and women to be paid equally for equal work or work of equal value. The 1997 Amsterdam Tre...

An article titled Racial Equality written by Gigi Mejri

Racial Equality Life is a mixture of colours and hues .When you look around you ,you see meadows covered in green,when you lift your head above ,you feel pleased to add more colours to your life with the rainbow . At night ,the stars twinkle to greet you and the moon accompanies you along your walk . Stop for a while and contemplate what surrounds you . Can you ignore a colour ? Of course not .Similarly earth dwellers came in different colours to beautify the land . They didn't choose the colour of their skins .Whether white ,black ,red or yellow ,they have come to mix together or stay apparent to add more flavour to life ,sweet ,chilly or savoury . Starting from this simple parallel ,no race is bound to be excluded .All races are equal and none is superior .All colours matter .Let us remember what history made ,how it demeaned a race and raised another but things have changed and science has proved that no race is superior .God granted us  brains that function equally .Let us unit...

An article written by VenLyn A. Valdez: COLOURLESS

It is everyone's responsibility to learn ,grow and  to be treated equally. This is a vital traditional behavior of one person to another and they  wrongfully thinking of superiority complex. Mostly, when we discuss about colors, tribes, religious beliefs and cultural differences. it's quite a sensitive topic in a wide range of specification.  The years of black slavery is long gone and over.  Yet, some people still carry out the same discrimination towards them that they inherited from their ancestors in some ways or another which being influenced by rituals and beliefs of other hoaxes. The lack of educational knowledge also appear as one of the many factors that this group of people continuously mocked and not by pointing them to the right direction that  could lead to serious civil disturbances. Colour of our skin, deformities and ignorance never define a person's whole being. It's very wrong to acknowledge such bullying behaviour towards our fellow human bein...