Article written by Omar Nassar
Happiness is the only thing that
multiplies when you share it."
- Albert Schweitzer
Happiness is the height of all human wellbeing, relaxing, and healing like a
balm, happiness becalms the human
soul and heart, making human life
feel sweet and whole.
Happiness is giving and forgiving
- it is human charity -
With opportunity of earning a living
Assured of shelter and food to eat
Confortable in a compatible family
Coexisting in a supportive society
of human care, sharing warmth,
Love, kindness and compassion
True happness lasts long as honey
And isn't as exhaustible as money
Like a smile happiness is the mag-
netic pull in every human relatio-
nship that bonds families together,
man to woman, husband to wife,
and parents to children, cementing
friendships and healing old wounds,
uniting society,and ultimately the
divine link of all humans to God.
Happiness is from GOD
Happness is one of man's highest expectations in life without limitation,
and the expected paradise on earth, man must struggle for. Because hap-
piness does not always come that
easy. Happiness is one's choice that
comes with effort, as comfort
comesl from commitment and hard
Happiness is laughter galore
affecting and attracting more
from heart to heart
and soul to soul....
To be trully happy one reciprocates happiness, just as trust is reciprocal.
It is an Oasis of fresh water in desert heat. Or fresh air from a smile
It springs from the heart through
the soul to spice one's days,
transporting one to beautiful lands
of fantasy and personal poetry.
An entry into the cosmological
universe of our imagination.
Sensual reality flowing in our bone
marrows, as that sensuality
transporting sweet sensations,
and the ultimate in the least all
humans expect in life
because happiness shared
always multiplies.
© Omar Nassar,
Country: Kenya
Author's Copyright Asserted.