Vol. 7

"Success do not mostly depend on the efficacy of intellectual power and/or physical strength"

From a wonderful close study of life's subsistence, people should see from the view of human nature and individual mind conditioning that success is mostly acquired through luck not skills or physical strength. We keep trying and hustling and pushing further, but not all the ideas we bring can possibly be a great target with all sure possibility of success. Something someway, sometimes, somewhat can be a little pinch to downfalls. Same way on the opposite, people without these prior opportunities of habitual or characteristic fortunes, may simply give a trial of the unacquainted skill and boom – success. What happens or affect someone's interest in a good sense, mostly occur through luck and not skills.

If a man knows how to drive perfectly and declares so, try removing something attached to the support of his skills of driving, like the car headlights and leave him to drive at night if he will not doubt his inner spirit that driving a car without headlights at night may cost him the lost of his legs or even his life. So he still need to fight within his mind for other alternatives, and if there's none to the fitting, he will take the risk to throw a dice by driving continually without the car headlights. He will only keep hoping that his attempt leads to a target (success) and that will definitely be the occurring chance of luck. Here luck becomes better than skills.

On the side of conditioning the mind, only skills work for success because you've agreed in mind that the measures you're taking towards the outcome of your vision will surely prevail. Talking more on 'mind conditioning' from my view – It is a process in which a habitual or learning behaviour becomes dependently on the occurrence of a particular custom. Example; you conditioned your mind to believe that the violation of your community traditions will lead to heavy punishment, but if the same traditions is taken to another community, they will render it regardless because they're not conditioned to that custom. Relating to the acquaintance of success, some people have just conditioned their mind that nothing good will yield out of laboring in any kind of difficulty or distress, but others believes so much in working hard.

In the explanatory descriptions these three virtues "Success, Luck and Mind Conditioning" are exploring, there's no magic of attaining your potentials through them until an intentional discission is made in mind. Personal development goals successful people pursue habitually in life can be made very possible by changing your mindset towards your potentials and by taking every opportunity as the chance to make the best out for your interest. The volume of your knowledge might be your success, yet many can be more successful without the intellectual power or physical strength you possess, not because your efforts are not enough, but because it is the occurring chance of luck. You may have also conditioned your mind to failure, as you think, so it will be.

Keep focussed on your aspirations towards positive outcomes in struggling, laboring and distressing. About everything in life leading to success of any kind, none worthwhile a fight. Don't wait for luck, even the ones named lucky have fought one way or the other until they become chanced with luck. The quest might be little longer, but the interest and mind conditioning concludes all.

© Charles David Ogbeche
Nig. Copyright Reserved.


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