            THE SYNOPSIS

Peace is our banner, the ideal purpose of every writer is to uphold it, embrace it, practice and enhance the peaceful coexistence of all round humanity. In general perspective, writers rummage every part of life with the simple form of demonstrative support in creativities involving styles of presenting them (Arts, Music, Film, Sports and Literature) for public attention.

 Every situation definitely becomes important when it raises as a community or together agreement to the notice of higher and prominent personalities who can take the influence of their power to dissolve menaces in our community.

We believe in what we do: ample efficiently effective changes and testimonies to what we do. It becomes our own priority and happiness to bear the involved consequences to keep headlong on separating the good from evil in our society today. These role now continue to spread spaciously in Literary Platforms, Organizations, Nonprofitable initiatives and Global Demonstrative Movements flying the banner of our purpose as Ambassadors of peace.

Some of these roles includes the following;

• Motivating people to act in the interest of improving their own lives and those of their fellow citizens

• Development of competencies in public outreach and individual endeavors.

• Environmental Developments, Hygiene's care promotions and sustainability issues

• Social/cultural values, quality writings and integrity among writers promoting sensitive global awareness,

• Life skills development in potential pursuits,

• Improving Human rights, including women’s, children’s and refugees’ rights

• Promoting Creative ideas with effective global outreach from societies

• Engaging in public advocacy and fundraising activities for the less privileged

• Developing peace doves/Ambassadors to stand for communities and countries to prevent crisis around its regions.

• Prevention of mental stress and substance abuse affecting lost of memory, lives and relation's severe or incapacitating emotional disorder

• Mental, social, and physical health worldwide attention.

All our demonstrate strong desire to help mobilize public support for the cause of perfect living with the greatest achievement of peace, are in one way or the other related to our good, that is because if peace abides in our working areas, matrimonial homes, organizations and communities, there's all possibility that we are also alongside. That's the only profit every slated prominent personality in whatever field of public support to humanitarian development should look up to; the purpose of art, sciences and Literature.


Here in between the pages of this world anthology of contemporary poets 'SONGS OF PEACE', there's persistence that peace must dwell among our nations and shelters. Our broken homes, excavated cities and destroyed efforts must enliven by these masterpiece of different scripts containing mindsets of 1000 (one thousand authors) from about 106 countries around the whole wide world to stand against the reverberating adversities and firmament of mankind. The pioneer of these gait of soldiers, Revered Balogun Iyanu has done a great job in compiling all the works together, also for the creative reasoning to realise the importance of Global Peace Awareness in our community today.

It is the appropriate time to pray and keep focussed on our strength to fight illicit exploitations and the spread of disorderliness. The world is becoming hot for people, some are falling while others are raising. We have to raise together and fight for what we deserve to acquire. But it first starts from our own surroundings, in-depth and wholely.

The focus of these book remain pointed at the victory of peace and its relevance in public life. It takes only the heart that seeks to find it, only the languishing and disiring soul to be consorted. Every line and every words, every pages and every paragraphs are singing the songs of peace they know, for every heart and soul to sing along. Peace is our own legacy, to pass unto the foresight and heart bearing of all behind us. It is only what the creator of men puts at heart, and as every man quest for a good ending, let the place he desires be made his.

All best wishes and gainful outcomes of positive response to the round reach of all chanced to read the exhibition of a thousand authors, all best wishes to the success of the anthology and profound Literary Community 'THE LEAGUE OF POETS'. Its a historic remark and reputed publication without blight of harm or bias against and/or opposing any actual person, organizations or feelings. The literature of these book is as pure as a writing slate.


'S O N G S   O F   P E A C E'

Tis writ's the best marches upon mules into the desert,
Countries and homes infested with hostile and disdain,
Men marching forth on elegant hymns; caravans and pilgrim,
Let the cadence crunch by the vibes of the restless trampler,
Brothers with peace banner unfurled by the city outskirts,
Soldiers to defend and daises to lead with positive thoughts,
And Oh' chanting along the songs of peace in their amber,
The cloud may furnish blue and rays of lights leaping divine,
Then men who wholly around odious instincts that's fanciest,
May turn their palms towards the mold of unfading tranquil,
Let the universe turn with a heavy noisy gait against vices,
Marching on tunes by regulated minuet, waltz and cotillon,
For those whose worth is recompense and unfailing help,
May rise with the breath of the oceans and limbs of the winds,
Singing along with the pained shield of their souls renewed,
The flapping breeze to blow all wistful and intense memories,
The Heavenly downpour to refresh and wash the teary eyes,
All desires; a living life to live, and all pains; the thrill to peace,
Deeds fordone; a perfect future, songs of peace; all days joy,
And earth a haven for the sojourn and unborn facts of life.

Love and Light!
Charles David Ogbeche
Co-Founder & Forum Director
All Author's Copyright Reserved
Nig. Fed. Copyright Act 28.

Charles David Ogbeche is a young Noble Nigerian writer and computer engineering student. His deep passion for social, cultural and environmental values, combined with demonstrative inputs towards changing the world have reached ample people. He is the Co-Founder and Forum Director at INKED WITH MAGIC™ (2019). He believes in the service of humanity.


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